There are no two persons
that are exactly alike in their natural endowment. Even identical twins that
grew from the same genetic pool have marked differences that establish them as
separate individuals. The implication of this is that everyone is a store house
of talent.
And talent simply put means the ability to do something in a unique
or exceptional way. Unfortunately, many do not know there particular abilities
and those who do don’t know how to harness their potential for pecuniary
Experts, however agrees
there are some principles on the issue of turning one’s talent into money that
work for all and may be learnt by anybody. It is amazing how little people generally
know of themselves. Have you ever heard someone say, “Imagine I never knew I
could do that” that person is merely re-echoing his ignorance about his own
mind. A person begins to learn about himself from the age of
self-consciousness. For this reason the first step to personal success is to
“comprehend yourself”, you have to embark on a voyage of self-discovery.
Self-discovery is central to this chapter; I can’t over emphasis it importance.
Having said all that, the
development of identified talent is the next step to personal fortune. There is
hardly any person that is not aware of one or more things they are good at,
most time those potentials where only neglected and left undeveloped. Just as
crude oil lying thousands of feet below the surface of the earth generates no
national income to the owner nation so does an undeveloped talent.
Developing one’s talent or
potential in this regard means bringing them to a standard above the average
competence. Most bird can fly but not all can soar! You must determine to
function above average before your potential can attract economic value. Developing
your talent also involve the ability to withstand criticism against a
particular venture. E.g. there was a time in this part of the world when it was
believed that music as a profession was for social misfits, when buffoons (who we now know as comedians)
where scorned, when playing football was frowned at by parents, but today
reverse is the case.
For the the concluding part of this article follow this link