Monday 25 November 2013

Six Principles of Success: Principle No. 2 - Passion

Follow your passions and success will follow you. Whether we're thinking about starting a small business, or just thinking about what career path to choose, it's important that we follow our passions. When we think about what is needed to be successful in life and in our work, we usually think about characteristics like value, talent, ambition, intellect, discipline, persistence and luck. What many of us often fail to include in this recipe for success is passion. The passion we have, or don't have, for our work should not be underestimated. Sometimes this ingredient could make the biggest difference of all.
What is Passion                                                            
When I speak of passion, I don't mean it in the romantic way. What I mean by passion is the powerful feeling of enthusiasm we all have inside of us. We are all enthusiastic and passionate about something, whether its finance, food or a favorite sport. That enthusiasm is very powerful. When we can combine it with our work, we are setting ourselves up well for achieving true success.

Why Passion Is so Important
When we are enthusiastic and proud of the work we do, the better equipped we'll be to overcome the many obstacles that will surely arise in the process of starting a business or moving up in a career. Also, the more enthusiasm we have, the more inclined we are to work harder at improving ourselves. This will allow us to continuously get better at the work we do. The better we get at our work, the better we can get paid for doing it.

Ensuring we are passionate about our work will not only provide us with a meaningful career, but it will also give us a good chance of being paid well. The passion we have for our work can be the difference between making a living or making a killing.
It's Never Too Late
For those of us who have been thinking, "I'm already following my passion" while reading this book, that's great! You should appreciate that because you're in the minority.
In a developing country such as Nigeria, there is little or no information on the status of job satisfaction, however The Conference Board, a New York based private business research group said over 50% of Americans were dissatisfied with their jobs in 2010. It stated that most Americans were only working for their current employer simply because they had to. I am convinced this applies to most countries of the world.

Now, obviously most of us have to work one way or another (unless you were born into riches and are completely spoiled). So, don't just quit your day job because you aren't completely satisfied. However, that doesn't mean you can't pursue another more fulfilling career-path part-time. Have you ever heard the saying, "it's never too late to be what you could've been?" Well it's true. If you have an idea of where you want to be, you can still make moves towards getting there. If you have a full-time job to support you while you make that transition that may actually be even better.

The Bottom Line
True success is much more than having a lot of wealth and fame. Enjoying the work you do is, in some ways, more important than having a large bank account. Plus, if you enjoy the work you do, there's a greater chance you will do great work and get paid (or rewarded) accordingly. If you're thinking about starting your own business, or just struggling with this in your own personal career, you may need to think about what you're passionate about. It may not be easy, but chances are it will be worth the effort.

You are a Product

The packaging of a product is sometimes more important than the product itself. Take for examples albums and cassettes. Recording companies spend more on the cover than the actual tape or CD that is, more on pictures, printing and the graphics goes into the production. The album will not sell regardless of how good it is unless it looks good.
Research have found out that people will simply buy a product because of the package it comes in, have you ever noticed how manufacturers are so extravagant with labels on cloths? Some clothe have silk labels with very elegant writing. The label could last 50 years while the clothe will just last 5 months. The packaging and label is the tool with which the manufacturers project their product into the mind of the prospective buyers.
You are a product and there is something in you that your world is so much in need of. In most cases they don’t know it’s inside of you. Here is where packaging coming in and what does that entail; put yourself together, play around your passion, strength and interest. Get information on such areas, package them into good or service! I just heard you asked ‘Is it that easy?’ Yes, because it’s worth it.  
So many young people carry crowded brains about. Crowded with inspired life changing ideas but will not do anything about it, until it expires. If for example your interest is event management, start with a street or departmental, age-group, carnival, show, concert, competition just name it. Don’t snuff yourself with writing a nationwide reality show script. Yes, that where you are going but start small to gain experience and credibility.
If your interest is dancing, it doesn’t matter if you are currently studying law in the university, join a dance group or organize one, watch steps from clips and video, offer to dancer free in some events or at low charge, read about your model dance-group or dance hero, how they came to prominence. Give time to rehearsals, and watch your diet. In short, give everything your vision deserves to see it actualized.
For professionals who want to work with an organization in their field, one of the questions you will sure get from the interview panel is ‘what can you do for us?’ indirectly they are asking what value can you add to our organization or simply put what’s your value. It is a question that also probes to know what you have done with/on yourself to make you deserve a place at the expense of others.
Most young people don’t know their value in workplace because they really don’t have much, not in terms of experience now but the initial know-how! “If I cannot proof myself my HR cannot approve,” that’s an American company’s slogan that was coined to regulate the employee-HR relationship.
There is rarely any product in the market that those not have a substitute, but packaging and quality separate buyers’ choices. Quality is quantity processed and approved. So it not only about the number of credentials you compile, it really about the result you get when it is tested in the furnace of work-place. Have you ever observed that employers are more willing to acquire products that will enhance their business than pay salaries of their employee? And in the mist of what will seem as extravagance to employee they slash salaries and owe allowances. If you present yourself as an indispensable product you’ll be treated as such. If I understand my business gets a staggering blow from losing you, and then I don’t mess with you!
I strongly, agree with Fela Durotoye who categorized labour force into The Available and The Desirable. Unfortunately most actors in work place belong to the former. True to that axiom which says, “when ‘The Desirable’ is not available ‘The Available’ becomes desirable’. So many forgetting that they are filling in the gap for someone go permanently into complacence-mood and when the next down-sizing hurricane comes they get eroded and push blames to some household enemy!

How do you command higher value with your passion and at workplace? How do you become and remain a hot cake for your employee? How do you get a pay-rise at sunrise?  

Thursday 14 November 2013

Six Principle of Success : Principle No. 1 - Purpose

Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give it all it takes. Now, if finding your life purpose seems like an elusive undertaking, don't panic! You are not alone. While it's true some people seem to find their life purpose easier than others, it's also true that God really does have a plan for every single person, even if it takes a while to see what it is.

Most people think finding your life purpose means doing something you truly love. It's an area that just seems natural to you and things just seem to fall into place. But what if things aren't so clear for you? What if you're not sure what your gifts are? What if you haven't discovered any particular talent that makes you think it could be your true calling in life? Or what if you're working somewhere and you're good at it, but you just don't feel fulfilled? Is this all there is for you?
Don't panic. You're not alone. There are lots of people in the same boat. Take a look at the disciples. Now, there's a diverse group. Before Jesus came on the scene, they were fishermen, tax collectors, farmers, etc. They must have been good at what they were doing because they were feeding their families and making a living.
But then they met Jesus, and their true calling came into focus very quickly. What the disciples didn't know is that God wanted them to be happy—even more than they did. And following God's plan for their lives made them happy inside, where it really matters. What a concept, huh?
Do you suppose it could be true for you too? That God wants you to be truly happy and fulfilled even more than you do?

Step Out and Try It

Working with God to find your life purpose means working as a team. When you take a step, God takes a step.
·         Be willing to try some things that interest you. You will know very quickly if you've found the right thing for you. Doors will either open or slam shut. Either way, you'll know where you stand.
·         Be Patient. Wanting to know everything right this second is pretty common these days. Learning to trust that God will show you when He's ready—now that takes patience. God isn't going to show you every piece of the puzzle all at once. If he did, you'd get “knocked-out", because you'd be so overwhelmed by it all. Not to mention you'd be overly tempted to come up with a back-up plan "just in case" things didn't work out.
·         Don't waste your time on things you know aren't from God. "Get rich quick" schemes never work. Finding a Christian husband or wife won't happen if you're focused on activities and events that don't involve Christians. And participating in things you know are wrong—well, you're simply prolonging your answers.
·         Don't let the people around you talk you into things. Just because it all sounds like a good idea doesn't mean it's God's plan for you. Following God's leading sometimes means you have to say no to many well-meaning family members or friends. It comes down to the decision to follow, no matter where it leads.
·         Lastly, don't ever give up. You may not know your specific purpose today or tomorrow, but as long as you're really great at being a Christian, and your heart is open, you will find God and he will find you.